When you are delivering a global cybersafety and cyberbullying prevention program, you learn to find important intervention points and distribution networks. Most look to social media, traditional media and schools. Some enlightened experts will also look to librarians and library media specialists. But too few look to medical societies, healthcare providers, nurses and school nurses, nurse practitioners and family and pediatric practitioners. That's a mistake, IMHO.
Patients rely on their healthcare professionals for wellness information and prevention tips. And, more and more families are facing cyber-wellness related issues, such as cyberbullying, digital addictions, balancing real and cyberlives, understanding how much and what to share safely and how much time to too much time online. Who better to inform them than the people they trust to look after their physical and mental health?
Professional development programs, certification standards and guides have been developed by WiredSafet and #StopCyberbullying especially for busy health and wellness professionals. In addition, free worksheets, coloring pages and printables, animations and videos are available for download and made available air in their waiting rooms to keep families entertained and informed. Expert-written content on the subjects is also available for use without charge on the medical professionals' website, newsletters and in patient emails.
By making sure that all parts of our society are better informed and better able to offer support and help when it is needed, #StopCyberbullying is meeting its #stopcyberbullying Canada action plan goals. And by being better informed and armed to help their patient families address emerging cyberissues, medical professionals are meeting their goals too.
We will be working with medical societies across North America first and expanding to Europe, Asia, South and Central America and Australaisa next.
For more information, contact your local medical society, union and healthcare provider or visit StopCyberbullying.ca or stopcyberbullying.org for programs near you.