Sunday, October 31, 2010

Arizona Distracted Driving Youth Summit - Home

Arizona Distracted Driving Youth Summit - HomeDistracted driving has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of Americans. At this youth summit leadeing experts will engage young people in the discussion.

Send an email to and include the information below. Registration is extended to
November 1st but it will close sooner if we reach capacity so submit your application today!
• Name
• Age
• School and graduation year
• Phone
• Email address
• Mailing address, city, state, zip
• Notable extracurricular activities
• Notable academic achievements
• What makes you passionate about curbing
distracted driving?
• Briefly describe why you want to participate
in this summit
Why Attend The Summit?
The practice of distracted driving has become more than just a problem
among drivers in America; it has truly become an epidemic. Nearly 6,000 people
are killed every year in auto accidents caused by distracted driving, and the
number is growing. Teen drivers are at the highest risk in these types of
collisions, and it is time that as a society we take a stand against this deadly
TASER International has heard the call to action from the collective voice
of society (Ray LaHood, Secretary of Transportation; Oprah Winfrey, cultural
icon; etc.) and is taking a lead in aggregating and amplifying the efforts of
industry and advocacy alike to protect the lives of everyone on the road. We
have realized, however, that there is no silver bullet to solve this problem. It will
require a deliberate shift in the social consciousness by creating a stigma around
the act of distracted driving. Additionally, it will require technology solutions that
will both remove the temptation to become distracted behind the wheel and help
enforce the new rules of the road.
In order to cause a shift in the social consciousness, you must first raise
awareness of the problem and then promote the solutions to solve it. As the
highest risk drivers and the future of our roadways, there is no better place to
start than by engaging and educating young adults; and there is no one better to
build an awareness campaign that will resonate with teens than teens
With this in mind, TASER is hosting the Arizona Distracted Driving Youth
Summit to expose a large group of passionate students to industry and subject
matter experts and then facilitate the creation of a distracted driving awareness
campaign designed by students, for students.
We hope you are able to attend the summit and join us in the fight against this
deadly epidemic.
For more information, please visit:

Kids & cell phones... 5 things to consider | | The Des Moines Register

Kids & cell phones... 5 things to consider | | The Des Moines Register

Parenting, Part II: How closely should parents monitor teens online? -

Parenting, Part II: How closely should parents monitor teens online? -

In a wired world, children unable to escape cyberbullying -

In a wired world, children unable to escape cyberbullying - CNN.comCyberbullying starts young and lasts a lifetime.

Nude photos and cruel messages, teen digital dating abuse grows -

Nude photos and cruel messages, teen digital dating abuse grows - CNN.comParry is on the advisory board of MTV's AThinLine and designed the love is not abuse digital dating abuse curriculum for Liz Claiborne. Privacy invasions, spying and harassment over who their partner talks to online or via text are the tools of a digital dating abusers campaign.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Facebook (14) | Don't Stand By, Stand Up

Facebook (14) | Don't Stand By, Stand Updon't just stand there. don't be a bystander. Don't Stand By, Stand Up! and be one of a million young people to take the bystander pledge to stop cyberbullying.

Draw Your Line

Draw Your LineAn amazing application where you can weigh in on what you are doing to stop cyberbullying. I am honored ot be one of the MTV advisory board members on this project, which was sponsored by Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Make a mark. Make a difference. Draw Your Line!

YouTube - Sheriff Maurer speaks about Parry Aftab

YouTube - Sheriff Maurer speaks about Parry Aftab

The On and Offline Battle Against Cyberbullying : Healthymagination

The On and Offline Battle Against Cyberbullying : Healthymagination

Alison Malmon: Fighting Bullying: Love Is Louder Than Just About Everything

Alison Malmon: Fighting Bullying: Love Is Louder Than Just About EverythingWhen it comes to addressing systemic and epidemic problems, joining forces is essential. This gorup and initiative is the next step in finding ways to support those targeted by bullies and helping stand up against bullies everywhere.

WiredSafety runs, the most popular cyberbullying website globally. Our new Don't Stand By, Stamd Up campaign is designed to get 1 million young people to take a pledge against standing by quietly while others are hurt online.

We are also thrilled to be working with such an incredible group of professionals with a passion to improve things for young people.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Google Admits Street View Cars Recorded Private Passwords, E-Mails; Promises to Delete Data - ABC News

Google Admits Street View Cars Recorded Private Passwords, E-Mails; Promises to Delete Data - ABC NewsGoogle's glitch is not uncommon. Large data-ricj companies often collect more than they mean to, and sometimes don't know that it has been collected. The good news is that when they don't know they have it, no one can misuse it. The bad thing is that it is collected and not carefully deleted or secured until it can be deleted.

Smaller companies can implicate feewer people, but often present additional risks of the data actually being used without anyone have the first idea about legal and ethical obligations on consent, security and compliance.

Google has vowed to delete tis data and do what all companies should do - a datamap and make sure that those who understand Privacy Commissioner Ann Cavoukian's privacy by design framework are involved in privacy decisions and at the beginning of the engineering process, not as an after thought.

It is also turning to those of us in the policy, privacy and safety advocacy space to help them do a better job.

I don't think this is the sky falling, just a reminder that if you don't construct solid scaffolding, you may have a bucket or two fall on your head.

The proof will be in how Google executes on its promise to imporve privacy.

Churches can help youth fight cyberbullies -

Churches can help youth fight cyberbullies - UMC.orgFaith-based organizations are powerful forces against cyberbullying and bullying of all kinds. It's time that we arm them with the information they need and resources essential for them to deliver the message.
One correction to this article, however. All fifty states have one form of harassment law that covers cyberbullying activities that arise to criminal levels. and the federal cyberstalking law governs anonymous communications designed to annoy.
But criminal prosecutions are not the answer. Education, modelling and providing trained and trusted adults is.

Kids & cell phones... 5 things to consider | | The Des Moines Register

Kids & cell phones... 5 things to consider | | The Des Moines RegisterA cellphone can be a lifeline for families, but set your rules before you give your kid carte blanche with an expensive and powerful device.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Parenting, Part II: How closely should parents monitor teens online? -

Parenting, Part II: How closely should parents monitor teens online? - USATODAY.comParry enjoyed helping with this USA Today piece. Common sense, regular kids and understanding the risks our children face, on a kid-by-kid basis will help us all do this cyberparenting better. Thanks Kim.

If only there were an 'un-send' button for sexting |

If only there were an 'un-send' button for sexting | StarTribune.comSexting is often seen as a teen thing. But we are seeing it far more often with adults. Be careful about what you are doing that may impact your reputation, job, marriage and kids. Parry's been warning adults and teens alike - Don't Be Stupid!

Facebook Cracks Down On Cyber-Bullying - News Story - KTVU San Francisco

Facebook Cracks Down On Cyber-Bullying - News Story - KTVU San FranciscoGay, Lesbian, Bi, Transsexual and transgender teens are targeted horribly, online and offline, in far too many cases. But Facebook has committed to fighting cyberbullying not matter what the sexual preference, race, religion, national origin or any other underying excuse for cyberbullying. They were the first chart member of the StopCyberbullying Coalition and are working hard to stop harassment on their site.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ontario Amber Alert system reaches Facebook users - CTV News

Ontario Amber Alert system reaches Facebook users - CTV NewsOntario"s new Amber Alert official Facebook page went live Friday and already more than 55,000 people have fanned the page. While Parry and her husband, child safety advocate Allan McCullough, spearheaded this program (the first in the world), Facebook made it happen.
Great to hear good news!

The Associated Press: NJ student's suicide illustrates Internet dangers

The Associated Press: NJ students suicide illustrates Internet dangers

How to Reboot Your Reputation Online - ABC News

How to Reboot Your Reputation Online - ABC Newsyou can avoid becoming a victim online and avoid making it worse by reacting in ways that feed the bullies.

How Do You Stop Cybercruelty? Change Behavior, Attorney Says

How Do You Stop Cybercruelty? Change Behavior, Attorney Sayswe stopped littering, now wear seat belts, we drink and drive less often - why can't be turn this around and make it unacceptable to see cyberbullying and stand by or turn away.

Can laws catch up to online voyeurs?

Can laws catch up to online voyeurs?so many ways to be recorded when you think you're in private. although laws exist maingmuchof that illegal, enforcement is a big problem. Often you don't know about it until 50,000 of your nearest and dearest do too. Check out Parry's tips in this article, and be safer from spying eyes and devices.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

What about the other person in the Tyler Clementi video?

Ravi videotaped two people, not just Tyler. What about his rights? While not identified to the public, the man with Tyler has privacy rights too. And these were equally violated by the illegal surveillance video.

Rutgers student death: Has Digital Age made students callous? -

Rutgers student death: Has Digital Age made students callous? -

The Associated Press: NJ student's suicide illustrates Internet dangers

The Associated Press: NJ student's suicide illustrates Internet dangers

How Do You Stop Cybercruelty? Change Behavior, Attorney Says

How Do You Stop Cybercruelty? Change Behavior, Attorney Says

"Sextortion" on the rise

"Sextortion" on the rise

What are your rights of privacy these days?

BusinessIn Florida, both sides of a conversation have to consent to recordings of that conversation. You have more and better rights of privacy in Florida than in most states that only require one consent.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Dr. Phil- Show October 7th

Dr. Phil announces his anti-bullying movement with Parryback to back against the Tyler Clementi/ when bullying kills show, and recorded in advance of this latest round of cyberbullying suicide, this show helps give everyone a role in stopping cyberbullying. Join us, watch the show.

Thursday - October 7, 2010

The Anti-Bully Movement
Dr. Phil is fed up with teens being terrorized — both in the schoolyard and online — and he’s putting bullies on notice! This summer, he took battle against cyber bullies before Congress, and now he’s kicking off his own Anti-Bully Movement. Learn how cyber bullying is affecting 12-year-old Dara, and why her mom, Toni, fears the tween may harm herself if she doesn’t get help. Then, hear why Michael, a self-proclaimed cyber bully, defends his keyboard antics. Plus, Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy weighs in on bullying and cyber bullying and what can be done about this growing epidemic, and Parry Aftab, executive director and founder of, shares tips to keep your kids safe. Join the movement, and take Dr. Phil’s pledge to fight the abuse!

Dr. - Show October 6th

Dr. Phil ShowOctober 6th watch Dr Phil on the Tyler Clementi case and other cyberbullying suicide cases, especially the hate directed against gay, lesbian, trans gender, bu and questioning youth. Nina Montgomery, one of Parry's Teenangels trained in cyberbullying prevention and a classmate of Tyler's at Ridgewood High School, announces her Dont Stand By, Stand Up campaign on Facebook to get youth to report cyberbullying when they see it and stand up against hate and torment. Universities across the US are joining the effort along with high schools. Join. Watxh the show. Be inspired.