Seeing lots more international growth in readership. I know I had ignored by blogging for too long, so busy with other work. But the huge growth of international and my older fan network over the last two weeks shows more than that I am attracting my normal readers. It means that everyone, worldwide, is hungry for ways to address cyberbullying and more information.
I have been working on cybersafety and cyberbullying issues since 1995 all over the world. My volunteers at are global as well, coming from 76 different countries the last time I counted.
Cyberbullying doesn't start and end in North America, or Western Europe, or Asia, Africa, Russia or the Middle East or. Australia and New Zealand.
Let's share and work together to come up with a common program, common values and common goals to address and #stopcyberbullying.
Each culture will have a slightly different focus. Each will bring something special to the table. And we will all learn from each other and be better because of our collaboration.
So, welcome! bienvenida! ترحيب bem-vindo خوش آمدید 歡迎आपका स्वागत है accueil добро пожаловать