The faster you can respond to any cyberbullying campaign, the faster it stops. In addition to setting Google Alerts, which Parry recommends throughout this StopCyberbullying Toolkit, you have to keep an eye out for school groups and networks online.
Create a profile in every one you can find. Ask students where they all are. Then just ask anyone on the list to let you in. Like buzzing a button at random at any apartment building you want to be allowed into, “buzz” the first one on the list and keep going until someone lets you in.
Sit quietly. Don’t comment or correct anyone’s grammar. But, every so
often, review the posts. Select students are random and review what they and
their friends are saying and follow the trail of cyber-breadcrumbs to friends
outside of the network.
If you are aware of an offline bullying brewing, check those students
online. Forewarned is forearmed. In the same way you will spot check lockers,
backpacks, and bags brought into school or a school event, you need to do the
same spot checking online.
To make sure no student is unfairly targeted, work out a procedure for
spot checking and make sure everyone knows what and where to report
cyberbullying when they find it.
Get the guidance counselors involved too. If
students are at risk offline, they are especially at risk online. Teach them
how to keep an eye out for these students online. That’s where Googling them
comes in.
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Note that Parry Aftab does not respond to legal questions and cannot address specific issues about reported abuse.She cannot be retained as legal counsel online, and any prospective client must sign a retainer agreement before becoming a legal client of Ms. Aftab. Any legal discussions are educational and informational only and anything submitted may be made public on this blog.
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