Monday, February 17, 2014

An outline of the #stopcyberbullying primers from the US stopcyberbullying toolkit

v  The StopCyberbullying Primer:           

§  Cyberbullying Legal Issues for Schools         
¨       A Legal Overview    
¨       Legal Issues for Schools
§  The Limit of a School’s Authority—Off Campus and After-Hours Challenges
§  Public Schools vs. Private or Parochial Schools
§  Cyberbullying as School Violence
§  Cyberbullying as a Civil Rights Issue
§  Digital Evidence
§  Student’s rights
§  When Students Harass Teachers, Administrators and Other Adults  
§  Sexting and Cyberbullying
§  Cyberbullying and the Law
§  Cyberbullying Legal Elements            
§  Jurisdictional Issues
§  Legal Approaches and Choices
§  Criminal vs. Civil Liability
§  The Laws that Apply to Cyberbullying
§  Federal Laws
¨       The Federal Cyberstalking Law          
¨       Enacted cyber-bullying/harassment/stalking federal legislation         
§  State Laws
¨       State cyberharassment laws
¨       State cyberbullying laws
§  Privacy, Wiretapping and Surveillance Laws
¨       Staff and personnel issues  
¨       Notice and consent
¨       Unions         
¨       Outside consultants and providers  
¨       Premises releases  
§  Privacy and Security Laws
§  Working with Law Enforcement
§  The Juvenile Criminal Legal System
§  Traditional Juvenile Justice 
§  Judicial Early Intervention Programs
§  Sexting, Sextortion and the Law

Ø  The StopCyberbullying Investigation Guide
¨       Anatomy of a Cyberbullying Investigation
¨       Digital Evidence       
Ø  When Seeing Should Not Be Believing—Evidence            
Ø  Cyber-Breadcrumbs and Evidence Online            
Ø  Peek-a-Boo…We can find you! 
¨       Tips for School Board Counsel           
¨       Surveillance, Monitoring and Search and Seizure
¨       Working with the Service Providers and Networks  

Ø  The StopCyberbullying Policies, Procedures and Enforcement Primer  
¨       District Policies, Laws and Local School Rules
¨       Understanding the difference between goals, policies and procedures         
¨       Compliance, Risk Management and Parents
¨       Begin at the Beginning
§  Framing the goals   
§  Don’t overreach
§  Picking your battles
§  “Zero tolerance”     
§  Getting multi-stakeholder input and buy-in
§  Parents – the good, the bad and the ugly    
¨       Articulating the Policy
§  “Secondhand Prose”             
§  Legalize vs Plain Language   
§  Procedures – “KISS”                              
¨       The Process – step-by-step checklist
¨       Cellphone and Handheld Technology Policies             
§  Students and Cellphones    
§  The Risks of Allowing Cellphones in the Classroom and Lunchroom  
§  What Should Your Policy Provide?   
§  Handheld Devices   
§  Search and Seizure and Students’ Rights
¨       Your Cyberbullying Policy    
§  Notice and Informed Consent           
§  Setting the Framework        
§  Explaining the School’s Choices        
§  Let the Parents Decide         
§  Peer counseling, early intervention programs and student governing boards              
§  Anonymity and confidentiality          
§  Law enforcement   
§  Working with Service providers        
¨       Models and Templates         
§  Florida Department of Education Model Policy Against Bullying and Harassment       
§  The Free Speech Doctrine and Schools
§  Creating a StopCyberbullying Ecosystem     
¨       Defining the School Cyberbullying Problem
Ø  Liability and Compliance               
Ø  Private, Parochial and Public Schools
Ø  It’s a Risk Management, School Violence, Educational Atmosphere, and Wellness Issue
¨       Curriculum Requirements
Ø  Educational Standards
Ø  Ethical Standards
¨       Alternate Dispute Resolution and Peer Counseling
¨       Cyberbully-Proofing Your School
Ø  Digital Device, Electronic Use and Cellphone Policies       
¨       Doing What Schools Do Best              
¨       The Student Issues
§  Sandbox Cyberbullying—When Elementary Students Harass Each Other Online        
§  Too Old to Be "Bullied”—The High School Student Perspective          
§  At-Risk Youth            
§  Students With Special Abilities/Needs           
§  School Athletes, Phys Ed and Cyberbullying
§  Student Rights         
¨       The Role of Each School Stakeholder Group
§  Schools        
§  [School Boards and District Administrators]
§  Principals    
§  Teachers     
§  Librarians and Library Media Specialists         
§  Technology Educators           
§  Network Administrators      
§  Guidance Counselors and Mental Health Professionals         
§  SROs             
§  Students     
§  Parents and Caregivers        
¨       To Filter or Not to Filter – That Should Be a School-By-School Question
¨       Getting Help
§  Knowing When to Call the Police      
§  Reaching the Service Providers
§  Reaching the Networks        
¨       Emergencies             
¨       Reporting Terms of Service Violations           
¨       Selling It
§  Buying It Yourself - You Have Enough on Your Plate Already
§  Convincing The Suits - You have to broker safety. You have to teach respect, kindness, and accountability. You are the only one who can.
§  School Liability and Insurance
§  Getting Parents on Board    
§  Getting Students on Board 
§  Making It a Community Campaign
¨       The Challenges        
§  You Say “Rude”, I Say “Cyberbullying”…Telling the Difference            
§  When Students Harass Teachers, Administrators, and Other Adults
§  Walking the Walk    
§  Talking the Talk        
§  StopCyberbullying Terms    
§  Prevention, Early Intervention and “Looking for Trouble”     
¨       Spot Checks              
¨       Google Them            
§  Don’t Support It…Report It!               
§  Digital Hygiene:        
¨       The Weakest Link—Passwords         
¨       Students and Cyberbullying
§  The Solution Instead of the Problem
¨       The StopCyberbullying, The Stop, Block and Tell Pledge and The Megan Pledges
¨       The Megan Pledge
¨       How the Megan Pledge Was First Created   
¨       The StopCyberbullying Pledge          
¨       The Stop, Block and Tell Pledge        
§  Understanding the Facts
¨       The Problem With Some Prominent Surveys              
¨       Student-Conducted Research
¨       A Conspiracy to Conceal It   
¨   Peers Are the First, Schools Are the Second, and Parents Are the Last to Know