1. Inventory existing services from government for victims and create communications to better inform the public of their existence
2. Parents need to be taught to identify cyberbullying and what to do to help their children address it
3. Inventory what schools are doing to combat bullying, create digital literacy and handle cyberbullying/sexting
4. Create sexting protocols for schools
5. Survey students to see how pervasive the problem is, in each province
6. Create programs that build on what exists and is working
7. Find local, regional and national sponsors
8. Host a youth conference in each province and in more than one region in large provinces
9. Source funding opportunities
10. Design and create cyberbullyinghurts.ca
11. Create a Canadian StopCyberbullying Toolkit
12. Arrange provincial events run by youth
13. Create a youth council in each province to advise the premiers
14. Create a digital bill of rights
15. Engage in the victims’ bill of rights issue
16. Train the trainers programs for parents, law enforcement, youth workers and students
17. Engage the industry and telecommunications/mobile carriers
18. Approach this from a Canadian perspective with Canadian sensitivities
19. Engage faith-based partners
20. Host competitions and artistic events
21. Find a trustworthy celebrity to help deliver the message
22. Create a corps of youth journalists, researchers and videographers
23. Produce a documentary or series of documentaries
24. Create a StopCyberbullying day or week to encourage local events
25. Create StopCyberbullying bookclubs
26. Correct terminology to separate adult harassment from youth bullying
27. Create and monitor a cyberbullying discussion forum
28. Create a live chat help centre
29. Build a help app
30. Publicize Alex Wonder game
31. Publicize existing resources
32. Create an approval process for other resources and programs
33. Create StopCyberbullying best practice standards and a certification program
34. Arrange volunteer mechanisms, authentications and background checks
35. Create an operating structure for SCB
36. Create leadership board protocols, descriptions and bylaws
37. Create volunteer (task force) management structure, including agreements and communications
38. Enlist experts for each stakeholder group and advisory board
39. Invite all infrastructure members
40. Students who engage in cyberbullying have to be a priority
41. Healthcare professionals need to become better informed about cyberabuse and digital norms
42. Schools, parents and students need to know what to report to the networks, how and what to expect
43. Students need to learn how to be better friends and when to turn to a trusted adult
44. Adults need to learn what it takes to be a trustworthy trusted adults
45. Certification programs should be delivered to allow school, law enforcement and support professionals to qualify as StopCyberbullying professionals
46. First responder programs for law enforcement on sexting, revenge porn and cyberbullying and harassment
47. Industry should create/adopt cyberbullying protocols and qualified providers should carry a seal of approval.
48. Digital literacy and responsible use programs should be delivered at K and pre-K levels
49. Digital hygiene programs should be adopted by all schools and home schooling programs
50. Empathy programs and self-esteem programs should work with cyberbullying programs
51. Cyberbullying needs to be recognized as different in many cases from offline bullying
52. An “appeal” user ombudsman should be created to intervene when the report abuse function does work effectively in specific cases
53. Industry members should have a hotline for law enforcement and school administrators
54. All programs should use Privacy by Design standards to not risk privacy or security of users
55. A child/family advocate position should be established nationally to help coordinate programs among all ministries and stakeholders
56. Existing victim’s support programs should be promoted and victims of cyberabuse should be able to seek help without having to press charges
57. Bullycide families should have a support network to help them deal with media demands, stress and criminal justice processes
58. Digital impersonation should be covered by existing ID and credential theft laws and policies
59. Media need ethical guidelines in covering bullycide cases
60. Mental health and cyberwellness guidelines should be established to address PTSD related to digital abuse
61. General programs should be faith-neutral (other than faith-based organizations)
62. Schools should have protocols in place to address cyberbullying of, by and among students
63. Schools should have policies and protocols in effect to address teacher-bullying/harassment by students
64. All schools should have acceptable use policies and codes of conduct with parental notice
65. Schools should have protocols on student privacy, digital security and student-supplied devices
66. No one should have to give up their privacy to access cyberbullying resources/help
67. Student alternative justice and peer counseling programs should be in place
68. Restorative justice programs should be adapted for universal application
69. Youth cyberbullying should be handled independently from adult cyberharassment
70. Create media worthy events, focusing on youth
71. Engage all premiers – create a StopCyberbullying Premier Award
72. Create ways to track progress and engagement publically, focusing on the positive
73. Host seminars and workshops, in e-learning and live formats
74. Engage police academies
75. The issue needs to be defined with a common lexicon to enable effective research and communication
76. Laws need to define the issues with precision to allow people to know what is illegal and what isn’t
77. Public education on rights, how to identify cyberbullying and laws re: sexting, sextortion and revenge porn
78. Inventory existing programs, what works and what doesn’t
79. A youth-led help/supportline accessible via text should be established and operate 24/7/365
80. Programs and resources should be in many different languages and delivered using video and different learning style formats
81. Media needs to be better informed on the subject, so create a private digital environment to address inquiries and educate them on the issue
82. Follow victims’ ethical guidelines when engaging with victims and their families
83. Create a legal team to identify and address laws and policies for Canada