Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Early findings on StopCyberbullying Canada's survey - what do you think we need to do to stop cyberbullying?

New stopcyberbullying early survey results. When asked what we should do to stop cyberbullying, Canadian respondents answered:

Educational programs for students.
Educational programs for parents.
Schools with more authority to address cyberbullying.
More and better laws to address cyberbullying.
Jail sentences for teens who cyberbully.
A teen helpline where teens and preteens can get help from teens when they are cyberbullied.
More filtering and monitoring software.
A service that watches everything teens and preteens do online and reports it to parents.
Better cellphone security.

100% wanted educational programs for parents and students, to give schools more authority to address
cyberbullying, more and better laws to address it and a teen helpline, where young people can help each others, and finally better cell phone security. 

75% wanted more filtering and monitoring software made available ot help in cases of cyberbullying and half wanted a service to gather information about what students are doing and report it to parents.

No one wanted to see students jailed for engaging in cyberbullying.