Friday, August 30, 2013

The International StopCyberbullying Youth Summit - Prince Edward Island Nov 9th (working draft)

Charlottetown, Saturday November 9th  8:30am – 5:30 pm, with VIP reception dinner the night before and Island entertainment and activities following the event. 600+ attendees

Run by youth leaders from ten to 18, with invited experts, industry and policymakers. Using UN-expert summit format, with the goal of creating an action plan to address cyberbullying problems by the end of the day. There are three plenary sessions, a luncheon speaker and one keynote. Sponsors and governmental representatives will provide welcome remarks, along with a selected student.

There are three breakout sessions, mixing tracks to address cyberbullying issues from a diverse perspective. These breakout sessions will address questions raised in the plenary and, through a facilitator, report back their findings to help frame the following plenary session.

An exhibit area showcasing student projects and Stop Cyberbullying partners will be set up to demonstrate student approaches to solving the issue. Student musicians, poets, artists and performing artists will be showcased as well.

The plenary sessions will be video conference with schools from within and outside of PEI and Canada to allow remote participation of students worldwide. And a video kiosk will be set up to allow participants to share their thoughts, ideas and recommendations with others. Research conducted by students will be presented and a StopCyberbullying Task Force of volunteers will be created to take the next steps.
Venues:  Confederation Center for plenary, breakout sessions and exhibits/Murphy Center for lunch/additional breakouts.

Participants: digital industry leaders (Facebook, Microsoft and Build-A-Bear Workshop already confirmed). Barbara Coloroso (confirmed), Disney, Webkinz, Google pending. Educators, RCMP, criminal justice experts, wellness professionals, parents, First Nation, digital industry on Island, students (hosting the event and constituting 350-400 of the 600 participant audience). Minister of Ed NS, former Minister of Ed and of Women Ontario confirmed. Inviting big international names in bullying, new Minister of Justice Canada, Sharon Rosenfeldt (founder of Victims of Violence), Rehtaeh Parson's parents (confirmed), Bonnie Bracey Sutton (confirmed). More to come.

Follows in footsteps of NS conference, where Parry Aftab keynoted. This will add youth voices, criminal justice and victimization issues, diversity groups and industry. First of its kind in Canada.
Want Newcomers to cater the lunch with an international buffet, showcasing our diversity.
Evening following the event want Island music, food and experiences (carriage rides, etc.). Island giveaways.

[1] Water and Prince Street Corner Shop has agreed to reopen, after season, to cater the event on their premises.