Friday, March 14, 2008

Yayyyy!! :-) Webkinz World Recognized for Saftey with Best of the Web Award!! « Webkinz at a Bargain

Yayyyy!! :-) Webkinz World Recognized for Saftey with Best of the Web Award!! « Webkinz at a Bargain - Official Blog: the reflections of one of our teenangels when she presented for the first time oot parents

might be time to get this going again. :-) - Official Blog: the reflections of one of our teenangels when she presented for the first time oot parents

Casi - Teenangels ringer :-)

Casi is one of my teenangels. specially-trained teen experts in cybersafety teach others, and advise the industry and government on these issues for, parent of I needed a ringer, one of my winged angels who cold handle any question asked at the California state cybersecurity sumnmit in LA. My local teenangels and tweenangels had just started and were not trained yet. Casi blew them away. Building on skills she picked up in the program and has displayed on Tyra Banks among other public outlets, she is an amazing teen and empowers others.
I love her deeply.
ParrySlice of Rye